Thursday, March 31, 2011

March in Review

It seems I'm a bit behind on the blogging... So, let's catch up!

Well, it's happened... We broke down and got a van. Now all we need is a soccer ball sticker. We are really enjoying it. It's so convenient. Noah loves it because he can watch movies...occasionally!

Noah loves to help and is a great helper. Poor little thing dropped a bottle of hairspray on his toe a few weeks ago when he was trying to put it away for me. I had to carry him around for hours. I'm sure it hurt, but I think he may have been milking it a little...


John likes to escape when I'm trying to dress him. As soon as I get his clothes or diaper off, he whips around and is gone. When he gets to his bedroom door, he turns to see if I'm coming after him. He's a stinker.

He made it out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, still with his towel on and with his hippo in tow.

My 3 boys

We decided to sell our house. So, we've been doing a little staging work. Greg bought a carpet remnant for the basement. It came on a huge roll (12 feet long to be precise). We weren't quite sure what to do with the roll. I decided to just put it in the recyle bin. I wish I would have been watching when they picked it up...

John has started crawling around with things in his mouth. Just before I snapped the picture, he was crawling through the house with his cup hanging out of his mouth. Of course, he was done by the time I got the camera.

Just cruisin' around

My aunt sent Noah some Scrabble Cheese-Its. I said "Now we're just encouraging them to play with their food." And, I was right. No prompting.

Does this really need a caption?

John no longer likes to sit in his stroller when we're playing outside. Luckily, he mostly sits in one spot if you give him some toys. He loves it. And, he loves to put rocks, leaves, sticks, and whatever he can get his hands on in his mouth.

Noah is very particular about his things. (I have no idea where he got that from!) When we're playing in his room, John pulls everything off the shelves. Noah has a fit and I have to put it all back right away. (I guess I did create the monster.)

Already a dare devil

The hippo is almost always in tow. And generally, he has it hanging out of his mouth. It's really quite funny!

Noah is so sweet to his brother (when he wants to be, that is). Noah walked John around the driveway very carefully and slowly. They were both loving it!

This past week, we wore flip flops and snow boots in a matter of days... I was so excited that it was nice and we could be outside. And, then SNOW! Enough with the snow already!

Everytime I chage John's diaper, Noah wants to know the content and then he wants to see it if it's poop. The other day, I asked him to hand me a burp rag. He said "Does this have snot on it?" I said "Yes." He said, "That's disgusting." Poop is okay. Snot is not...

1 comment:

East Coast Hunters said...

Once again Leah your blog leaves me laughing! So entertaining!!! and informational...minivan and moving? wow!!!! You have to post pics of the new van!! Love and miss you!!!