Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Look at me! Actually blogging about something in a timely manner! "I'm so proud of me" (as Noah would say).

Noah had a fun little Christmas party at school the week before Christmas. John got to go. (He's my trusty sidekick.) They had snacks, made ornaments, and sang a few songs for the moms. (I'm currently having trouble downloading the video, but I'll keep trying...)

Waiting for snacks...John's about to fall asleep...

 Noah with his class and teachers (talking of course)

John making cookies

On Christmas Eve, Noah and I made a gingerbread house. Noah was very excited and did an excellent job sticking the candy on (and sampling too).

Building our first house (and look! Mommy even made the blog.)

Smiling for the camera.

Cleaning off his fingers.

The finished product (made in only 30 minutes.)

The boys each got to open one thing on Christmas Eve. Noah opened Polar Express and the boys got to watch it while they ate their dinner after the Christmas Eve service.

My boys

Under the tree Christmas morning

Opening presents

John opened M&Ms first and was so excited about them. He wouldn't put them down. He had a fit when we put them up so we could eat breakfast. (Don't worry! He did get a few after breakfast.)

Barely awake at Grandma's.

John, Noah, and cousin Aiden...So sweet!

1 comment:

Eryn said...

You look fantastic, mama. Would love to catch up before Baby Boy arrives and things get REALLY nuts. :) Love you!