It's official... I would make a terrible burglar. I walked into the garage this morning to retrieve a coupon from the recycling bin. Noah locked the door behind me. I was in the garage; he was in the house. Luckily I had my phone in my hand. First, I panicked. I had just tried Greg and didn't reach him, so I called my dad. He suggested I take a crowbar or a screwdriver to pry the door open. So, I found my trusty crowbar and started to work. Noah was on the other side of the door, laughing then crying. Once I started trying to get the door open he said "Mommy noisy." I finally got Greg. I thought I was going to have to break a window, but since I'd already torn up the door, we didn't want to break a window too. I kept looking in the window at Noah. He was doing naughty things. You know, like opening the drawers with child locks. (He's figured those out...much to my dismay!) Anyway, I almost had it, but just couldn't quite get it. Luckily our neighbor works out of his house. He came over and just gave it a little push (I did most of the work) and the door opened. It scared Noah. So, anyway, I'm not quite strong enough to break and enter... But here is my handy work.
On a happy note, Noah poopied on the potty last week. He had his diaper on, but still that's a big first step. I was trying to get him dressed and he kept wanting to sit on his potty. I thought I'll just take his picture since I haven't yet.

When I went to put the camera away, I thought it sounded like he was pooping, and sure enough...
Our sweet friends from church, the Gilberts, gave Noah their old swing set. It's very nice and Noah loves it. Noah "helped" put it together.

This afternoon, Noah's buddies,
the Hunters, came over to play on the new swing set. Noah wouldn't come stand by everyone else for a picture. Then right as a snapped the shot...

I did get a picture of all of them, but no one was looking at the camera. What can you do?
Here are some other fun pics.
19 Months

Daddy styled his hair

Computer work with daddy