Thursday, June 21, 2012

You Never Know What He'll Say (or Do)

John asked Greg for some "Gata-ador."

Noah was in the bathroom washing his hands. He turned on the water. There was air in the pipes. He came racing out of the bathroom like his pants were on fire. (Am I a terrible mother for laughing?)

Noah touched Hunter's paci. He wanted to wash his hands so he didn't get a germ...

Noah and John take turns picking the movie/show they are going to watch. When it was John's turn, Noah said, "Hey, John, do you want to watch Max and Ruby?"

I told John I needed to check his diaper. He came over and said, "check my poop."

When I go in to get John in the mornings, you never know what he'll say... A few of my favorites:
"Well, hello there."
"There y'are."
"I have hairs."

I got ready to put shorts on John this spring and couldn't find any. I knew we had some that Noah had worn. Turns out they still fit Noah.

The boys were outside playing in the gator. Noah flipped out when John picked up a dead worm and stuck it in the front of the gator.

Greg bought the boys red popcicles. Noah looked like he'd dipped his white shirt in red from his wrist up to his elbow. I told him I wasn't sure if I could get the stain out. He said, "But, mom, you're the stain fighter." (And the stain fighter triumphed again!)

Whenever there is a fly, Noah tells me to get the fly "swapper."

1 comment:

East Coast Hunters said...

ahhhhh these are always my fav to read!!!!! thank u for the good laughs!!!! love & miss u all!!!