Monday, October 1, 2012


Just before Noah started pre-school, we hit the road for one last trip. Greg had to go to Atlanta for a meeting on the way, so we took advantage of the opportunity to visit our friends who live there. We left the house at 6:30a... Very early!

Starbucks for breakfast in the car

Notice how they have everything they own on their laps

Trying to color

Too much stuff

I'm finally out of the car, but I can't straighten out...

When we got to Atlanta, we ate dinner with Greg and left him at the hotel so he could be close to his meeting place the next morning. We got back in the car...and headed to our friend's.

Noah, Addison, and John playing with baking soda and vinegar.

Dressed himself.

Dylan, Addison, and Noah making s'mores

Placing an order

The man enjoys his s'mores.

Playing soccer...or tackle decide.

Before leaving Atlanta, we went The Dwarf House (the original Chick-fil-A). 

Hunter had to eat too.

We split up so we didn't have to wait so long for a table. All the kids wanted to sit with the daddies.

Hunter with Mommy and Ms. Hayli

The whole gang

Saying cute!

Next we headed to Columbus to visit some family.

Napping in the car.

Sporting a Burger King crown

Watching a movie with Joshua.

Our plan was to head to Destin after Columbus, but Hurricane Isaac put a little kink in our plans. We debated about going somewhere else and in the end decided to head home.

Random frog sculpture on the side of the road

We stopped in Nashville on the way home to spend the night. We got to have dinner with Greg's aunt and uncle. And, what would a road trip be without a trip to Bass Pro Shops?

Riding the Gator

Posing with the bear

It turned out to be a huge blessing that we headed home. John got a terrible cold/cough on the way home. I slept in the bed with him in the hotel. Every 30-45 minutes he would wake up and cry. So John and Hunter were waking each other up all night. When John was sleeping he was snoring. By 2:00 in the morning I was just wishing it was morning so we could get in the car and go home.

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