Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Haircut

There was a very poor voter turn-out... (I hope everyone does better in November!) Greg claims it was because all of my friends are too nice to tell me that Noah really needed a haircut.

So, as you may have guessed by the title, we did cut Noah's hair. I sort of did it under protest. But he does look very cute. (As if we had any doubts about that!!)

We took him to a children's salon, The Hairy Elephant. Noah was not overly interested in sitting still. He wanted to play. His stylist (or beauty operator, as my grandma would say) was very used to wiggly little boys.

Here he is before...

Greg held him because we didn't think he would sit still on his own. (He didn't really sit that still for Greg, but it sounded like a good idea.)

He was very interested in what was going on...

"I've had enough!"

And here he is after. So cute!


The Hunters said...

he looks so handsome! :) glad your time in Columbia was so fun~

Julianne said...

Sorry I didn't vote, turns out I wasn't registered in your district. :) He looks very cute so blonde now!

Hayli S said...

He's so cute!! (as if we had any doubts) What a chick magnet!