Sunday, March 7, 2010

You Never Know What He'll Say (or Do)

My mom was bringing Noah to the hospital to visit when John was born. On the way, Noah announced he had a board meeting tonight. On the way home, he said "turn right on Manchester."

Another time on the way home from the hospital, my mom said they would take the short cut. They got turned around. Noah kept asking, "Is this the cutter way, MiMi?"

Last Sunday morning, I called Noah to tell him good morning when we got up. The first thing he said was "Can we come see you next, mommy?" (It kind of broke my heart a little bit...)

Noah got in trouble for standing in his high chair. I went to get him out of his time out and was talking to him about why he was in trouble. He said "it's dangerous."

I was giving my mom our address. Once I said the street address, Noah pipped in with the city and zip code.

I was feeding John. Noah asked if I was going to feed him on the other tummy.

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