Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas: Take 2

We spent Christmas Eve at home. Our original plan was to let the boys open their stockings on Christmas Eve and then open their presents on Christmas morning when we woke up. Greg thought it might be a better idea to just open everything Christmas Eve and let them play with it (instead of jumping in the car as soon as they opened their things). I think he was right. Besides, it's a process for them to open presents.

Before Christmas, Noah was in the Family Christian Store with Greg and saw a VeggieTales train. He kept talking about wanting it. That was the first time he kept saying he wanted something after it was out of sight. It was so cute. So, he got his VeggieTales train. I wish I would have had the video camera running when he opened it. He was so excited.

 And, I go the embroidery machine I've been wanting for years! I had started saving my own money for it. Let's face it, pulling nickles out the washing machine is not a quick way to save up for something!

Our plan was to go to the Christmas Eve service at church and then go out to eat. Church was cancelled because the roads were bad. So, we did what any reasonable family would do: we jumped in the car and went out to eat anyway. Probably not the best idea we've ever had, but we made it home safe and sound. It was a really great Christmas with our sweet little family.

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