Monday, July 11, 2011

Brotherly Love

Noah has hit a little bit of a mean streak... Well, in regards to John anyway... I don't know if he's just trying to get attention or if it's because of all the changes... Thankfully, we haven't had any major injuries. Noah pushed John down the stairs one day. It was just a half flight and there were no bumps or bruises, just a little crying. A few days later, he hit him in the face with a Duplo. John had a big raspberry on his cheek bone and a little cut. It made me very sad...

One of these days, John is going to get even...

If you look closely, you can see his injury. He was trying to get off the bed and got off in the wrong direction... Before I took the picture he was dangling. But I couldn't get it taken fast enough. It was funny!

1 comment:

East Coast Hunters said...

Love all the pics! Ok, Noah is so growing up...he looks a lot different to me...older!!!! WOW! Love the golf pics and pool ones! so cute!!!! Much love, Julie