Saturday, November 5, 2011

You Never Know What He'll Say (or Do)

The boys were playing with my old Fisher-Price farm and house. Noah started having a fit because there was a fly flying around him. Then he was hollering because it landed on the house. I walked around the corner to see John lean over and pick up the fly.

One night, we were eating casserole for dinner. (Noah calls it casseroyal.) I thought he asked if casseroyal would make him sick. I said no, casserole won't make you sick. He said "No, CASTOR OIL!"

We were driving down the road and Noah says, "I just saw a sign that said watch out for 'Ts'."

Every time we sit down to eat, John asks for a napkin. The first time I gave him one, he kept wiping the back of his head with it.

Noah accidentally pinched John's fingers in the door. The next day, we were playing and Noah said, "I am so sorry for pinching John's finger in the door."

John's favorite thing to do is hit Greg or I as he yells "Owe!"

Last week, John wasn't feeling very well. We were playing and Noah said, "Did you already pray for John to feel better?"

I put a pillow I'd unpacked on the sofa. Noah walked in and said "Oh my goodness! It's so beautiful!"

John's favorite thing to say is "I need that!" (It comes out "I need nat!")

Every time there is mention of someone going potty, John pipes up and says, "I need to go potty." (Unfortunately, if I try to put him on the potty, he has a fit."

We were eating lunch and Noah asked if I remembered that white stuff with the grapes cut up in it. After some questions and confusion, I asked if he meant chicken salad. He said, "Yes. That was bad!"

When the boys are talking to MiMi, they always want to call Poppy instead so they can see him (FaceTime).

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