Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October in Review

Working on fine motor skills

Two banged up eyes. 
Noah fell on John when they were playing. It was innocent...this time. Noah got a little cut; John got a black eye. (This is our first black eye...I'm sure it won't be the last.)

Getting the clothes out of the dryer

Playing in the leaves

Sad little black eye

All ready to go pick Noah up from school.

First tooth


Check out these faces...

All smiles at nap time.

Such a sweet boy.

Love the curls.

One day, Noah came home from school and said his neck hurt. He had trouble moving it (can you tell??). We went to the chiropractor and he fixed him right up!

 On cousin Aiden's birthday, we met him at the Science Center. The boys had so much fun.

Standing on the earthquake simulator

Stacking the disks

Tongue twister

Playing with the bridges

Aiden and Noah playing with the "digger"

We go to the library almost every week for story time. A few weeks ago, the local fire department was there. A fireman came in with his fire gear on. The kids got to give him a high five. They also got to walk through the fire truck.

8 Month Picture

Look how cute I am

Please do not make me eat!!! I just don't like it!!! (The boy is almost 9 months old and he just doesn't like food. He'd much rather just stick to the milk. I really think it's the texture. He gags and carries on. It is a little funny.)

My sweet pumpkins!

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