Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Missing Panties

They say having a baby changes everything... They're not kidding. I can't keep track of things now. Several weeks ago, I took Noah to the grocery store with me. Before I ever got out of the produce section, I lost my grocery list. Of course I didn't make it home with everything I needed. Today, I bought some panties at Dillard's. I did not make it home with them. I left that in the bottom of the stroller and I suspect when I folded it up and put it in the car, they fell out and I didn't notice. I called Dillard's and they hadn't been turned in yet. So, I packed Noah up in the car and drove back to the mall the see if they were still there. Nothing... Hopefully, someone will turn them in.

Noah's cold is much better. He's still a little stuffy and has a touch of a cough left. It doesn't seem to bother him. He has been waking up about half an hour to an hour earlier in the morning. I'm hoping he'll get back to his normal routine. (I like my sleep!)

He's doing great though. He holds his head up so good now. (He won't look at the camera, but he can hold his head up.) His head movements are very smooth yet. Still sleeping all night. We're having so much fun with him!

Noah had his first power outage this week. I don't think he know it was out. He slept through it. I of course laid awake for the hour and a half it was off worrying about when it was going to come back on. (What's wrong with me?)

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