Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You Never Know What He'll Say (or Do)

Like most boys, Noah is constantly skinning his knees. Saturday, he fell twice and did a little damage. When he got up from his nap, he told my mom she would have to put him in his car seat. He wouldn't be able to climb in because of his knees. Now how did he know that???

Sunday after church, we went to lunch to celebrate John's dedication and Mother's Day. Noah did something (I really didn't see what happened) and Greg got up to discipline him. Noah said "It was an accident." When that didn't stop Greg, he said "It was on purpose." He was going to try anything.

Sadly, sweet little John has a hernia. We went to meet with the surgeon yesterday. Noah was with us, of course. After all, he is my trusty sidekick! I was talking to Dr. Dillon. Noah was playing. The surgeon explained they would go in, make sure everything was in place, close it up. They would use steri strips, not glue. Noah pipes in and says, "Open it up, close it up. We won't use glue. And we're just talking today." He doesn't miss a thing!

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