Saturday, June 5, 2010

May Days

On Mother's Day, we dedicated John to the Lord. It was a very sweet time. As luck would have it, John had a major blowout right in the middle of the dedication...

Who would have ever thought I would let someone ride a motorcycle in the house? When they're this cute, how can you say no?

One Sunday, when Greg dropped Noah off at the nursery, Noah said he was going to play fight with Rowan. This was the nursery scene that least long enough for the paparazzi to snap this shot. (He's all talk.)

Greg has been traveling a lot. A few weeks ago, he was gone for 4 days. So, the boys and I packed up and headed to Columbia. Here's John having lunch with MiMi. He had so much fun he just couldn't take it anymore. (On an unrelated note: His hair is filling in and it's very blond.)

MiMi "checked" Noah's teeth. He opened right up for her. I suppose it helps when your hygienist is also your MiMi.

MiMi counted his teeth. He has 18...only 2 more to go.

Noah helped MiMi check John. Not much to see yet...

While we were in Columbia, we went to a graduation party with MiMi. Our sweet friend Mary had popsicles. She handed each of the kids a popsicle with a paper towel around the "stick." It's hard to see in the picture, but look closely... Who still had the paper towel neatly in place? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Kissable checks. You can never kiss them too much!

Poppy and Noah checking for something.

Believe it or not, John is now 3 months old... This is his 3 month picture. He smiles all the time now. But, of course, not for the camera. When the flash goes off, he gets a deer in the headlights look on his face. We'll catch it eventually.

Noah loves to kiss John too.

Greg recently taught Noah how to "honk a truck," as he calls it. Greg rolled the back window down since they're tinted so the truck drivers could see what he was doing. He did it once. Greg kept asking him if he wanted to do it again... He always says no. I guess this isn't as much fun when you're little.

Here we caught the smile!

Periodically, Greg will ask Noah if he wants to take a shower. Usually he says no. Last week, he said he did. It was not his favorite, but he did squeegee the shower door when he was done.

Noah loves his brother. I keep telling him when John gets a little bigger, he'll be his best friend. John loves to watch Noah. Here's Noah reading to John. It's so sweet to watch them together!

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