Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Results

So, we had the external version this morning. All went well, except he didn't turn. A little disappointing, but there were no complications which is what we were really praying for. So, now the plan is to have a scheduled c-section...unless of course, he decides to turn on his own between now and then. We still praying for that and trusting that God has a plan for us.

The version was not as bad as I was anticipating. Greg said he kept waiting for me to wince. It was quite uncomfortable, but really not like I expected. My stomach feels a little raw now, but the spot where the IV was hurts worse.

We took a picture of me before we left the house this morning, just in case... (I've been really bad about documenting my growth. But let's face it, I was with Noah too.)

1 comment:

Stewart Family said...

hello my sweet friend. it makes my heart extremely glad seeing you and greg with noah and soon your new little fellow! wow! so beautiful.
praying that your little guy flips!
love and miss you!