Friday, February 5, 2010

Upside Down

We went for our weekly doctor visit Wednesday. We had an ultrasound, which is always fun! John weighs approximately 6 pounds, 5 ounces now. We could see his hair floating around. We think he looks a little bit like Noah. Everything looks great and he's on track...but he's upside down (or I guess right side up depending on how you look at it).

We're considering trying to external version to try to get him to turn. If he doesn't turn with the version or on his own, we'll have to schedule a c-section. We're praying he'll flip on his own. There are all sorts of "home remedies" to get them to turn. Nothing scientific or foolproof, but it doesn't hurt to try, right? We're so thankful he's healthy, but if you could just pray for wisdom for us and that he will decide to turn.

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