Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You Never Know What He'll Say (or Do)

Noah says some very funny things. I decided to start posting them on the blog. Where else can you shamelessly talk about your babies excessively??

On occasion, I have to use the nasal aspirator on Noah when he wakes up in the morning. He calls it his boogie. I use a Nasopure for myself, which Noah refers to as my boogie or nose hose. The other day, I was using it and he said, "That's a good job using your nose hose, mommy. Doesn't it feel better to get your boogies out?" (I always say that to him because he usual fights me when I try to use the aspirator on him.)

His birthday is this week. I went out to get the mail yesterday and came in with a package. He said "Who gave that to me, mommy?" as soon as he saw it. Now how did he even know it was for him?

A few days ago, Noah ate the last graham cracker. On more than one occasion since then, when we've been out running errands, he's said, "We need some graham crackers." I told him we'd get them at the grocery store. Today we went to the grocery store. He reminded me on the way. Then, he was not paying attention when I put them in the cart. On the way home he said, "Did we get some graham crackers, mommy?" As my mom says, an elephant never forgets.

Yesterday, we went to church for Bible study. When we got out of the car, Noah found the only puddle between the car and the door and stomped in it. He then stomped through the snow even though I was trying to guide him away from it. This was all going in. He did the same thing coming out only in reverse order. Boys...

1 comment:

Eryn said...

Just popped on to the blog to wish Mr. Noah a very, very happy birthday! I can't believe he is two!